Activities to stimulate creativity
Writers block can be a pain and it is sometimes really hard to move past it. I created a list of things besides writing which you can do to stimulate your creativity and hopefully cure your writers block.
1. Walking
I know it sounds obvious but getting out of the house and taking in some fresh air can be really good to keep yourself creative. You may also get some inspiration for a new story while your walking down the street. You may also consider noticing things around you to stimulate ideas for a story.
2. Art (Colour, paint or draw)
Doing some artwork is a great way to clear your mind and is also a very satisfying activity. What you've drawn doesn't have to be an amazing piece of work but even just doing something creative other than writing is a great way to get some new creative ideas.
3. Talking
Talking to someone who may be having the same creativity problems you are is a great way to stimulate your creativity. Bouncing ideas off each other and sharing thoughts could give you the inspiration you need to improve your writing and have some amazing ideas.
4. Cooking
I find cooking a really good way to stimulate creativity, not only are you creating something but also while you cook your mind can wander.
5. Yoga
Trying yoga, even if it's just once a week, is a really good way to relieve stress and stay relaxed. By clearing you mind and feeling calm you can think more rationally and come up with some great ideas for your writing.
Where can you submit your writing?
Submitting your writing to publishers is a pain and there are certain guidelines that you have to follow. I have included some links to places where you can submit your work and the guidelines they want you to follow when submitting. Hopefully this will make the process easier for some of you and be a great help in your writing careers. :)
Harper Impulse
Conville and Walsh
The Bent Agency
Walker Books
There are many more places you can submit your writing and if you guys find any really good ones leave a comment and I'll add it to the list!
Quotes that will inspire you to keep writing
This is a list of inspirational writing quotes which hopefully will inspire you guys to keep writing and create some amazing pieces of work. Enjoy!
Writing Prompts
I find writing prompts really useful when I can't think of anything to write, a simple sentence can be the beginning of a whole story or a novel. I've included some of my favourite writing and dialogue prompts as inspiration for aspiring writers out there.
1. "That is a terrible, horrible, incredibly foolish idea. Let's do it and see what happens."
2. "I can't decide if I need a hug or an assault rifle."
3. Write a story set in a world where crying is forbidden.
4. I hit play and watched myself in the recording. But what I saw isn't what I remembered.
5. They forgot to pretend to be human.
6. In your dying moments you see a "Game Over" screen with two options: Try Again or End Game.
7. They sent me because I don't exist.
8. After the bombs dropped and society rebuilt itself, only one movie survived into the new world. This movie became the basis for religion in the new society.
9. Life was fine, as long as you agreed with the media.
10. He looked around in wonder. Never before had he seen so many of his kind in one place.
11. "Please point you gun at me if it helps you relax."
12. From the depths of space a signal is received containing the message. "Be quite. They will hear you."
13. They said I couldn't make it this far. I wished they'd been right.
14. "Heed my words when I say that our mother is coming back." "That is... a problem."
15. No one comes back if they stray past the border, what lies beyond is unknown.
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